Is there an example in your life where you prefer the analogue approach instead of a digital solution?

-Many people still prefer physical books over digital books for various reasons. One of the main reasons is the tactile experience that physical books provide. There is a certain pleasure in holding a physical book, turning the pages, and feeling the weight and texture of the paper. Additionally, physical books do not require any technology or battery life to function, making them a more reliable option for reading in areas without access to electricity or Wi-Fi. Another reason people prefer physical books is the ability to physically display them on a shelf or in a collection, creating a sense of pride and ownership. Finally, some readers argue that physical books offer a more immersive and focused reading experience without the distractions of notifications or the temptation to switch to another app or website. For these reasons, physical books continue to have a devoted following despite the rise of digital books.

Have you ever given up a technology because of a belief or value you hold?

-I recently gave up using TikTok due to several reasons. Firstly, it was too distracting, and I found myself spending hours mindlessly scrolling through videos. This was affecting my productivity and overall mental health. Secondly, I realized that I was becoming addicted to the app, constantly checking for the next funny video, and feeling a sense of disappointment when I didn’t find the perfect one. Thirdly, I learned that the app was designed to manipulate my emotions subconsciously by showing me content that would trigger a dopamine release. This was draining my energy and emotions, making me feel less motivated and productive throughout the day. I also became aware that TikTok’s algorithm was showing me government propaganda from fed accounts that were mixed in with other content on my “For You” page. This made me uncomfortable as I felt that I was being manipulated by the app’s algorithm to consume and believe certain information. It made me question the authenticity and reliability of the content on the app. As a result, I made the decision to delete the app and focus on consuming information from more trustworthy and unbiased sources. Additionally, I became concerned about the fact that TikTok is owned by a Chinese company, and the app has access to my personal information, including my location, browsing history, and other sensitive data. This raised concerns about my privacy and the security of my personal information. I didn’t feel comfortable using an app that could potentially compromise my privacy, especially with the recent concerns about data breaches and cyber attacks. All in all, my decision to give up TikTok was based on a combination of factors, including distraction, addiction, emotional manipulation, and values alignment, as well as concerns about the authenticity and reliability of the information presented on the platform. Although it was difficult to let go of the app, I feel better knowing that I am taking care of my mental health and values.



In my first ever attempt at making a video game I chose to create a platformer game (similar to Mario in a way). I used the website “Scratch” to develop it. Scratch allows you to code the game in a simplified, but very interactive way. It took me many attempts over many days to get my game to function in the oversimplified way that I wanted it to. I cannot imagine how much work goes into coding and troubleshooting major title video games. This process was difficult to me as I had very little coding experience, so I was learning from “scratch” if you will. I did however have some experience with design, so making the background and map was easy to me. I also wanted to make the game shoutout my multi-media side business that I started not too long ago called “Test Media”, that is why you see the Instagram handle listed with the wordmark logo being the playable character. I found it very surprising how much work goes into just trying to make a simple game. I thought I could make a Mario-like game fairly simple, but I was faced with much frustration. The game was made to be a simple platformer to maximize accessibility in which most people of any age can easily play it. Also, the game is meant to have the individual realize they can’t actually win, I can’t help myself… I’m a prankster.



Welcome to TTNFTP, where we promise to never share your personal information with anyone. Mainly because we don’t know what to do with it…

Payment Terms: We only accept payments in the form of Bitcoin, Dogecoin, or any other cryptocurrency we’ve heard of. Payment is due immediately upon purchase, and if you’re not quick enough, tough luck. We reserve the right to charge you extra fees for no apparent reason.

Liability Disclaimer: By using our website or purchasing one of our NFTs, you waive any and all rights to hold us responsible for anything that may go wrong. We do not guarantee the authenticity or uniqueness of our NFTs, nor do we guarantee that they will have any real value. Also, if you accidentally delete your NFT, we’re not responsible for replacing it. Sorry not sorry.

Termination and Suspension: We reserve the right to terminate your access to our website and NFTs at any time, for any reason. Maybe we don’t like your face, or maybe we’re just having a bad day. Who knows? We’ll also suspend your account if you don’t follow our arbitrary rules, which we may or may not make up on the spot.

Modification of Terms: We can change our policies at any time, and we don’t have to tell you about it. In fact, we probably won’t. Just assume that we’re always changing things up, and you’re always one step behind.

In summary, at Shady NFTs, we promise to take your privacy seriously, as long as you don’t mind that we have no idea what we’re doing. Remember, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. But who cares? Buy our NFTs anyway.



-I chose the topic of NFT’s to parody due to the ongoing debate of the legitimacy of the influential impact they will bring to society. I drew inspection from the following:


These readings/videos show great examples of how people view terms of service as irrelevant- I’m also including a clip from Southpark (an adult comedy show) that pokes fun at Apple’s terms of service policies, which ties directly into what this week’s readings highlighted: https://youtu.be/ifHjG4JKIOk

[ How has social media changed how we communicate? ]

TikTok has arguably changed the way people communicate in a variety of ways. Some of the ways I can think off the top of my head are memes, music, clothing, and marketing. TikTok operates using an algorithm that shows you videos that adhere to your expressed interest from liking and viewing certain videos. What comes from this can be small “areas” of TikTok that you could be placed in based off how your algorithm has been structured. One personal example I can think of to further explain is the underground/streetwear community. What I mean is individuals who listen and like underground music, particularly rap and also have an interest in the streetwear style associated with that scene of music. I have an interest in that, so my TikTok would be funny memes related to that scene, videos that have snippets of songs playing in the background from underground artists, and people showing off their clothing style. This makes a big community of like-minded individuals and it puts you in a position to spark conversations/ideas with those people. Back in earlier social media days I imagine and suspect you would have had to dig deep on the internet, probably in forums, to find a niche group of people who share similar interests in different aspects.

Community Clusters: Some popular topics may develop multiple smaller groups, which often form
around a few hubs, each with its own audience, influencers, and sources of information. These
Community Clusters conversations look like bazaars with multiple
centers of activity. Global news stories often attract coverage from
many news outlets, each with its own following. That creates a
collection of medium-sized groups—and a fair number of isolates

Paw Research Center, Mapping Twitter Topic Networks: From Polarized Crowds to Community Clusters

I would consider TikTok to put individuals into similar clusters as quoted above. Specifically the “community clusters”. I feel that the changes TikTok has brought to the landscape of social media communication is a positive at the end of the day. With the world being globally connected now due to technology, it’s only fair that individuals get to share interests and ideas with like-minded individuals. This can open many avenues such as business ventures, friendships, relationships, etc. It is a humans right to connect with another human. However, there’s no confirmation when it comes to a person’s information being secure.

TikTok Logo

“TikTok said it will not restrict content about abortion but declined to say
how it will respond to requests for data by law enforcement.”

MIT Technology Review, Abby Ohlheiser & Hanna Kiros

With every new technology comes risk, and it is up to you to decide how you want to use it- for positive or good. In the end though it brings new opportunities and avenues that you may not have had before


PROMPT1 – “A1 WORLD TAKEOVER” https://labs.openai.com/e/K3yEk3zkzVdhug0Fij7GsaSA

This was a surprising prompt given the imagery when describing itself. I wanted to see the AI’s Take on taking over the world with the following prompts.

PROMPT2 – “AI WORLD DOMINATION” https://labs.openai.com/e/lOX25OUR7veKb8fUZsqWQ5gg

This one gave me the most uneasy feeling out of all of them. The characters it gave are very creepy looking. I’m noticing there’s a common trend of the character’s look in which the AI is describing itself. It is basically different forms of the robots from the movie “iRobot“.

PROMPT3 – “ARMY OF AI TAKING OVER THE WORLD” https://labs.openai.com/e/xWKZeafcCbTTZyI81zw4EXzM

I find it interesting how it shows the same type of characters, but in a military formation. It almost makes you think the AI knows how it would operate if it were to be taking over the world.

PROMPT4 – “3D RENDER OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE FAMILY” https://labs.openai.com/e/wXtmTI1q28LfEGeZcQoiIkG6

I felt this prompt was showing more of the wholesome side of the AI. Previously I was getting eerie imagery, but this time it showed that even though AI can depict potential danger, it also may have a heart after all…


The Internet is a compilation of a wide variety of data. Data comes from many sources and times in history that end up being connected into one, which is the internet. I like to think of it as a giant ball of lint with no end. Lint is a compilation of many different articles of clothing that each have their own history- total distance traveled in them, different DNA particles collected, dirt particles collected, and most importantly a meaning behind the clothing items. When they are combined together it is the fusion of data, just in a different form. This can be related to “small pieces loosely joined”, because that reading described how there are many avenues you can go down on the internet at your leisure with no parameters—lint are small pieces loosely joined literally and metaphorically.

Q: “How is growing up with the internet different today than it was for kids and teens in the 2000’s?

A: A lot can change in two decades. With the technology of today those changes happen more rapidly, almost to the point where you may find yourself constantly behind on what’s in and out regarding the tools technology brings to us. Being a kid/teen in the 2000’s and having access to the internet came with a different mindset I’d say. Then, the web was just ramping up to be a mainstay in everyday life, and I’d argue that accessing it in the 2000’s was more of a privilege than necessity, which is how I think kids/teens view it now. Speaking from personal experience I was a very active kid, and for me to get on the internet it was a last resort activity. I, as well as many other kids in the 2000’s were busy playing outside most of the time, so to get on it meant you had to earn it essentially, because parents then felt like it was something for older individuals, that’s my opinion based on the vibes from that era I got. Now, kids/teens have access to the internet at the tip of their fingers with smartphones being almost an extension of the human body now in 2023. Kids now even use the internet to complete school assignments, when in the 2000’s school was done by hand with pencil and paper. It’s been some time now since technology/internet use has been integrated into schools, but you can see where it’s just become standard at this point. Take a kid/teen’s phone away from them for a week and they’ll fear that loss of social interaction from being away from social media even though they’d still be face-to-face with their peers during the week. There’s a completely different mindset now when it comes to the internet and what it’s role in society is. That is why I will argue that kids/teens in the 2000’s viewed the internet as a privilege versus where kids today view it as a necessity.

“The Web 20-30 Years Ago”

This weeks reading gave us a good insight of the thought process and opinion regarding the internet around 20-25 years ago. Then, it was a very fresh concept, and was just becoming a mainstream aspect in people’s everyday lives. With that of course came positive and negative results ranging from chat rooms connecting people all over the country to people making threats online. Many people believed the internet would do the harmful things to society that they still claim to this day, but back then the capabilities weren’t where they are now in time.


Above is the link to the original Woodstock ’99 website.

When the actual event was occurring there was raw on the ground coverage of the eventual train wreck of a festival “Woodstock ’99” would go down in history to be. Content that was being shown included explicit images and video of young adults after the effects of alcohol, dehydration, drugs, testosterone, rage, and lack of reliable security/supervision take place in real time. The website above doesn’t include that described content, but you can find articles and opinion pieces describing the events that transpired over the course of that weekend. This artifact tells a great example of how people thought about digital technology at the time. Live unfiltered coverage of events weren’t heard of at the time, and the result of that includes a lack of content supervision and rules preventing what can and can’t be allowed on the internet at the time. The reading’s mentions of explicate and dangerous content on the web at the time applies to my artifact because of what was being shown on it in the moment. There is a great Netflix documentary on the events of Woodstock ’99 called— “Trainwreck: Woodstock ’99”, watching this can help you really dive into what went on… I barely scratched the surface… DOCUMENTARY LINK [https://youtu.be/Tm5uUzbUwR4]
